Monday, September 23, 2013

Get it

   I took some unplanned time off.. I didnt mean to. I just didnt know what I was suppose to be doing. Work? Yea, I have worked my ass off for weeks, I even put some money in the bank but now what I asked myself.

I didnt have an answer, I worked to 'not be broke' for months, or years, that it was my only goal. When I was no longer broke it was a real what now moment. I spent the last week playing some video games, doing what ever I wanted. During that I saw that I didnt have the goals that I needed. I saw that I never plan my off time like I should and now I am making goals a new thing.

I am using basecamp to manage my projects and my to-do's this should help me keep the momentum going. I am close to having a second project go live. That should also keep the momentum going.

I am also setting so large goals, these are things like buying a house, 200K/month ad spend. Building a reputable business that can sustain for a lifetime. . . Im still in the planning phase here, and I have a lot more work to do but it feels good to face a live challenge and defeat it.

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About Me

We all need some help. Remember to love yourself and it will show.