Saturday, March 30, 2013


I cannot get traffic again...crap on me

Sunday, March 24, 2013

What happened?

I was doing really well for a few weeks, then last Thursday I wasn't feeling well, skipped a day working. Then my traffic source went down, some management changed around and now it is more than a week later and I cannot get back into work.

I stare at the screen unmotivated, I tweak something for 15 minutes and stop working. This isnt good, I must focus, I must to better...

Monday, March 4, 2013

last week was good

I got a new laptop so that I can work out of the house more since home is such a huge distraction for me lately.

Looking forward to make more sales this week! last week was around 36. . . I would like to hit 50 this week


About Me

We all need some help. Remember to love yourself and it will show.