Saturday, April 25, 2015

How about some vacation?

Spent about 4 days at the beach. So much fun, I will be back on the grind on Monday.  Then some big steps next week, Im so ready to buy a house and get my life doing the right direction.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Monday, April 13, 2015

Black is growing!!!! White is ...not.

Im expanding my blackhat efforts, it is going to be pretty amazing... whitehat isnt moving at all.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Back at it.

Blackhat is good, better than ever. =/

Whitehat, gives me problems everyday.

I need to work on whitehat... I need to make it work.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Loosing faith.

The paid traffic campaign that I was running took a big sink. I know that a lot of this is my own fault.

1. I didnt keep traffic going... I never had enough data ... ever

2. I wasn't bidding the best, I wasn't getting the flow of traffic that I needed, I was getting trickles.

3. I didn't understand that I should be the one making the campaign profitable. I was looking for luck not optimizing.

4. I didnt plan or research enough. I just kinda picked a random offer and started running, I was not totally sure of the demographics, or know what my metics needed to be to determine success/fail.

5. I lack confidence... this is a big one, since most of my days are spent wondering what to do, I spend a lot of time looking for people to help me... no one ever does.


About Me

We all need some help. Remember to love yourself and it will show.